Hi everyone, Yvonne Heath here with Love Your Life to Death.
Earlier this week, we explored the myth of the 5 Stages of Grief, and today I am privileged to share Maria Kliavkoff. Maria is the Founder of www.healthymourning.com, and shares how we convert our grief to mourning. Maria has a great deal of personal and professional experience. She started a hospice and studied with Dr. Alan Wolfelt at the Center for Loss and Life Transition. www.centerforloss.com. I encourage you to watch the show and explore Maria's website and her wealth of resources. "Thank you, Maria, for all that you do to help us understand how to convert our grief to mourning and reclaim our lives and even joy! To learn more about our Get Ready for Grief online program click here Purchase your copy of Love Your Life to Death, or audiobook here. Click here to see Yvonne's TEDx Talk #GetReadyForGrief #IJustShowedUp
Hi everyone, Yvonne Heath here with Love Your Life to Death.
In my nursing career and in my life, I have had many mentors that have influenced me. Some I have met and some of I learned about. One of those mentors was Dr. Elisabeth Kubler Ross, who wrote the book On Death and Dying and was one of the pioneers in the hospice and palliative care movements and starting conversations with people who were dying. She really was a trail blazer. She had created the 5 stages of grief and the entire world took those 5 stages and ran with them! Most people thought this was the only thing she had done. (That is all I had ever learned in nursing school) But there was SO much more. To this day, many people believe that there are 5 stages and others argue that there is not. What she really was saying is that grief is complex, that it is not linear and there is much more to all of her work. I have had the privilege of connecting with her son... Ken Ross. He is a wonderful, amazing human being who founded the Elisabeth Kubler Ross Foundation to share with the world about everything his mother taught. Did you know she wrote over 24 books? I had no idea! She started hospice's around the world and so much more. I am sharing two links to my #RealLifeTalks television show because I had the pleasure of having two great conversations with Ken, about his life and his mothers legacy. You can also learn so much more at their website here I would encourage you to watch the shows, share the shows on your favourite social media and leave your comments below. Apparently I have a lot more to learn about Dr Elisabeth Kubler Ross (and a few more books to read too!) Enjoy the shows! Ken Ross Show Part One Ken Ross Show Part Two To learn more about our Get Ready for Grief online program click here Purchase your copy of Love Your Life to Death, or audiobook here. Click here to see Yvonne's TEDx Talk #GetReadyForGrief #IJustShowedUp
Hi everyone, Yvonne Heath here from Love Your Life to Death. I am just so excited, humbled and touched that on this past February 16th (2021) it was my Birthday. I turned 56 (woot woot) and in the midst of a Pandemic, and I thought... What can I do to make this special?
Watch this short video to see what I did!!! To learn more about our Get Ready for Grief online program click here Purchase your copy of Love Your Life to Death, or audiobook here. Click here to see Yvonne's TEDx Talk #GetReadyForGrief #IJustShowedUp
Hi everyone, Yvonne Heath here with Love Your Life to Death.
On Feb 16th,I turn 56 years old! (Woot Woot) For my Birthday this year, I am celebrating and supporting my hero, Patch Adams. Please watch this short video, and if you would like, visit my Facebook page and help support the great work Patch Adams continues to do. If you are not on Facebook and would like to make a donation you can donate below. Thank you so much!! Donate to Patch Adams To learn more about our Get Ready for Grief online program click here Purchase your copy of Love Your Life to Death, or audiobook here. Click here to see Yvonne's TEDx Talk #GetReadyForGrief #IJustShowedUp
Hi everyone, Yvonne Heath here with Love Your Life to Death.
2021 is here and as promised, I mentioned I would continue sharing my 10 Tips on Navigating Global Grief. This week I am sharing Tip Number 3. I would encourage you to watch this short video, share with your friends and family and of course... feel free to leave your comments below! To learn more about our Get Ready for Grief online program click here Purchase your copy of Love Your Life to Death, or audiobook here. Click here to see Yvonne's TEDx Talk #GetReadyForGrief #IJustShowedUp
Girls and women all over the world watched Kamala Harris sworn in
as the first female Vice President of the United States recently. That milestone moment is conveyed in a simple, yet poignant film from #GirlUp, the gender equality youth initiative of the United Nations Foundation, created in partnership with Refinery29 and Ogilvy. As we hear the soundtrack of the swearing-in, the camerawork captures the shining eyes of little girls, and their mothers, from a diverse range of backgrounds, as well as groups of working women. It concludes with the simple message: "When one girl rises, all girls rise." No matter who you are, where you live, or matter your political views- this is a moment in history to celebrate! To learn more about our Get Ready for Grief online program click here Purchase your copy of Love Your Life to Death, or audiobook here. Click here to see Yvonne's TEDx Talk #GetReadyForGrief #IJustShowedUp
Hi everyone! Geordie here from Love Your Life to Death.
Just wanting to wish everyone a great week! Please watch this short video and see what we have been up to. Feel free to share your thoughts, pictures and videos with us too! To learn more about our Get Ready for Grief online program click here Purchase your copy of Love Your Life to Death, or audiobook here. Click here to see Yvonne's TEDx Talk #GetReadyForGrief #IJustShowedUp
Hi everyone, Yvonne Heath here from Love Your Life to Death.
In this vlog I shared the amazing guests that Just Showed Up in 2020 and shared their inspiring stories. Then I took a trip down memory lane, back to 2017 when I had my first radio interview at HBR, then months later became a host of my very own show. It has been an amazing journey and I am so grateful to have been welcomed into the awesome HBR Family. And now it's time to say goodbye as I continue to share my message with the world and pursue other endevours. Thank you, HBR, guests and listeners, for Just Showing Up for me. I will never be far away, so reach out anytime! To learn more about our Get Ready for Grief online program click here Purchase your copy of Love Your Life to Death, or audiobook here. Click here to see Yvonne's TEDx Talk #GetReadyForGrief #IJustShowedUp
Hi everyone, Yvonne Heath here with Love Your Life to Death.
2021 is here and as promised, I mentioned I would continue sharing my 10 Tips on Navigating Global Grief. This week I am sharing Tip Number 2. I would encourage you to watch this short video, share with your friends and family and of course... feel free to leave your comments below! To learn more about our Get Ready for Grief online program click here Purchase your copy of Love Your Life to Death, or audiobook here. Click here to see Yvonne's TEDx Talk #GetReadyForGrief #IJustShowedUp
Hi everyone, Yvonne Heath here from Love Your Life to Death.
I am sitting here in our forest behind our house and I am so grateful. Sadie is in the background with her her new boots. (No judgement!) She gets hard little snowballs caught between her toes and then she can’t walk! So we are now those people that have the dog that walks with BOOTS! Jadyn and Tanner are here, they have been attempting to take the sno-skate down the hill and there has been only a few injuries. As we are wrapping up 2020, a year of disappointment for some and devastation for others, my hope is that together we can create a transformational 2021. I know we are starting still in a Pandemic affecting the entire world. We are in lockdown right now, as so many other people are too. There has been so much grief and other challenges and I aspire to create Joy and joyful moments as we navigate this grief, I still continue to find the joyful moments, as our dog runs with her booties and our kids are sliding down this hill and I can walk in the forest. I wish the same for you. May you try everything you can to create joyful moments within the grief, within the challenges because we can do that. Grief and Joy, it is never one or the other. I aspire to create a transformational year. Together we can do this, support one another, shine your light, ask for help when you need it. Here is to a transformational 2021! To learn more about our Get Ready for Grief online program click here Purchase your copy of Love Your Life to Death, or audiobook here. Click here to see Yvonne's TEDx Talk #IJustShowedUp #GetReadyforGrief These are wise words that were spoken and lived by Geordie’s
Great Uncle Ken McMillan. He was a Minister who shared a message of hope and love for decades. At this time of grief and joy—a global pandemic and Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa and other celebrations, it is so needed. When we need help, it shows great strength to ask. Please ask. And when we shine our light, when we Just Show Up for Just One More, make acts of kindness part of our daily lives—we heal ourselves and the world. There are many things we cannot do this year, and that is disappointing and discouraging. Please allow that. And then what can we do? Here are a few things I chose to do this year. They did not take a lot of time or money, and they did make a difference. -Delivered three huge bags of sheets, towels and winter clothes to our Table Soup Kitchen; a loving organization who support those in need. -Zoom calls with my dear friend, Eva Olsson, who is 96 years young -Donated gently-used purses to "Muskoka Purseveres" who will fill and give to women who need a helping hand. -Returned old eye glasses to eye Dr. to be given to those who cannot afford them. -Dropped off a little gift at the door of a friend after her surgery. -Shared positive, inspiring and informative messages. I Just Showed Up for as many as I can (and continue to) who are grieving by calling, emailing, texting and connecting in any way I can. The most special for me; I gave three plush Santa Clause "stuffies" to three beautiful children who have had losses, grief and many transitions recently. When you press his hand, Santa says, “The Magic of Christmas lies in your heart!” If someone Just Showed Up for you this holiday season, or if you were able to Just Show Up for someone else, we would love to share your comments below... May you feel the magic of the season in your heart. May you carry love and gratitude with you, wherever you go. May you be supported in grief and in joy. If you need help, ask. If you can help, never stop. Thank you for all that you do. Happy Holidays, despite the challenges, and may be create a transformational 2021, together!
Hi everyone, Yvonne Heath here with Love Your life to Death.
I am back in the studio at Hunters Bay Radio. I have just completed a wonderful phone interview with the lovely Jody North. Jody is the program coordinator for Victim Services in Muskoka and recently launched Mid Aid Muskoka, an incredible organization I am so excited about. Mind Aid Muskoka is mental health navigation and support for young people (and their parents or whoever needs it!) From Jody: This is offered in Muskoka. If you or someone you know or care about is struggling mentally, we may be able to assist you in getting the help needed. It is not always clear where to start when you are embarking on a journey to mental wellness. The mental care system is sometimes confusing and hard to navigate and that is why Mind Aid was created. We are here simply to help and are services are free. If your first step is reaching out to us, we can help you plan the next ones. That is what we do. I encourage everyone to listen to the show, check out Mind Aid Muskoka online or on Facebook. The website is www.mymindaid.com I am so proud of Jody and to everyone who helped create Mind Aid Muskoka. We have to continue to have these conversations and remove the stigma about mental wellness. Mental wellness is just as important as our physical wellness. We need to be proactive and there is no problem too small. If you are struggling, no matter what it is or what you are going through, call them. Reach out. See how they can help you. We all need help every now and again. It takes courage and strength to Just Show Up for yourself first and ask for the help you need. Mind Aid can be that help. Thank you Jody and thank you to everyone else for what you do. I look forward to supporting you in any way I can. Oh yes, and they have also started a “poop fund” for anyone needing some additional resources or financial help. Please check them out and support them in any way you can! Listen to the Full radio interview here To learn more about our Get Ready for Grief online program click here Purchase your copy of Love Your Life to Death, or audiobook here. Click here to see Yvonne's TEDx Talk #IJustShowedUp #GetReadyforGrief
Hi everyone, Yvonne Heath here from Love Your Life to Death.
I feel truly honored to be sharing some great resources for you, especially at this time, where we've been navigating COVID-19 for months and months. It is December 2020 right now, and the holidays are coming up. And for a lot of us, we are feeling very challenged. So I always encourage everyone to acknowledge and allow all their feelings. And now what? What can we do to make it even better? So with the resources I'm sharing, one of them is the wonderful Gen Well Project which I just had the pleasure of interviewing the founder Pete Bombachi on my #RealLifeTalks show. We are sharing the link, because it's just so wonderful. The Gen Well Project is all about human connection. One of the messages that they share is reach out to just one more, which of course, I fell in love with, as I share my message of when you don't know what to do, you don't know what to say, Just Show Up. Now I'm encouraging everyone to Just Show Up for for Just One More. Just Show Up for Just One More over the holidays because it can truly make the difference in your life, in the life of the person you Just Showed Up for and for anyone else who sees this act of kindness. So as we move forward, let's Just Show Up for Just One More. And apparently there is a new "verb" that the Gen Well Project is sharing. Let's encourage each other. To be Gen-Well-Ing. This is a verb. The action of reaching out to a fellow human human being to create connection for the benefit of your health, happiness and longevity. And there's, I love that. Let's all get into Gen-Well-Ing and Just Show Up for Just One More. Thanks, everyone. Bye for now. My #RealLifeTalks interview with Pete: HERE To learn more about our Get Ready for Grief online program click here Purchase your copy of Love Your Life to Death, or audiobook here. Click here to see Yvonne's TEDx Talk #IJustShowedUp #GetReadyforGrief
Hi everyone, Yvonne Heath here from Love Your Life to Death.
I am so excited to be sharing this episode of #RealLifeTalks with you. I just had a conversation with Andrea Warnick, one of the most loving and kind people I know. She is a delightful human who is also an educator, psychotherapist, nurse, and thanatologist who has supporting grieving children, youth and adults. She does so in such a caring and approachable way. We are in the midst of this global pandemic; months and months of COVID-19. This is global grief we are experiencing and we have the holidays coming up. For so many this is compounding loneliness and isolation. I was so happy to have this conversation with Andrea so she could share some insights with you and she is a wonderful resource. Learn more at www.andreawarnick.com and at www.virtualhospice.ca. There are so many wonderful resources there as well. We are stronger together. We are learning from one another and we can love each other along the way. We can Just Show Up and make THE difference. For those who are grieving, know grief and joy can co-exist. We can support those who are grieving, and also have joyful experiences. Hearing from Andrea will certainly help us do all of that. So I encourage you to watch the show. Reach out to Andrea anytime. Andrea, thank you for being a beautiful light in this world. Bye for now. Watch Andrea Warnick Show Here To learn more about our Get Ready for Grief online program click here Purchase your copy of Love Your Life to Death, or audiobook here. Click here to see Yvonne's TEDx Talk #GetReadyForGrief #IJustShowedUp
Hi everyone, Yvonne Heath here with Love Your Life to Death.
It is November 15, 2020. And I have just attended my first Russian clown tour virtually, with Patch Adams and all of his wonderful clowns from around the world. This would have been their 36th trip to Russia, for their clowning trip, where they go and they support Maria's Children. Maria, (who is just this extraordinary human being) and so many other people in Russia, bring clowning to children and people in hospitals and everywhere, and bring them joy. And it was so extraordinary to be online with all of the beautiful souls who just want to bring joy to the world are willing to be silly, willing to put on a red cow nose and just help people have fun. Especially for those who are suffering who are lonely who are isolated. So, Patch and everyone encouraged all of us to clown whenever we can, anywhere, anytime. Just make people smile, just smile. Just be friendly. Just be kind. We need a clowning revolution. We need a clowning invasion. We need so much love on the planet right now. And so I encourage each and every one of you to ask yourself every day, how can I make someone smile today? I am going to smile. It will make their world a little brighter. And yours too. I think we should all start a clowning invasion whenever we can. Everywhere, with everyone. Let's make this a happier planet starting now. To learn more about Patch Adams and his famous clowning trips click here. To learn more about our Get Ready for Grief online program click here Purchase your copy of Love Your Life to Death, or audiobook here. Click here to see Yvonne's TEDx Talk #GetReadyForGrief #IJustShowedUp
Hi everyone, Yvonne Heath here. I am back in the studio at
Hunters Bay Radio and I have my lovely guest Suzanne Willett (back there, hiding behind the plexi glass). Can you hear her? I hope so because she's not as loud as I am! Suzanne is the Executive Director at Community Living Huntsville. We have had a great conversation, we have absolutely, had a great conversation. What I wanted to know is how we can better support our community members, those with disabilities, developmental disabilities, that community living supports, and everyone actually who may be alone lonely, isolated. It's not just people that we support are feeling lonely, isolated these days. It's it's your neighbors, it's your people down the street. It's everyone. So, so, so important. And I think that we have to remember that and take our blinders off. And as I shared a few weeks ago Pete Bombachi, from the #GenWell project, always reach out to just one more person. Let's be aware and if everyone reached out to just one more person and had a conversation, a quick phone call something just to check in, in this pandemic, during the winter, ongoing, just one more you could make the difference. So please listen to this show, and keep that in mind. Always. Suzanne, thank you so much to you and all the Community Living staff for all that you do. We so appreciate you. Thanks bye for now. Listen to the Radio Show Here To learn more about our Get Ready for Grief online program click here Purchase your copy of Love Your Life to Death, or audiobook here. Click here to see Yvonne's TEDx Talk #GetReadyForGrief #IJustShowedUp
Hi everyone, Yvonne Heath here with Love Your Life to Death.
I am recording this video on November 11th, 2020. Remembrance Day. For many people Remembrance Day is time to think back to war time, what people endured, how many loved ones died and all the horrific things they witnessed and all they lost. I encourage you to watch this entire video and share a few thoughts about someone that you know who has served (or serving still today). How will you express your gratitude for the sacrifices others have made so we can live the life we do? We will never forget. To learn more about our Get Ready for Grief online program click here Purchase your copy of Love Your Life to Death, or audiobook here. Click here to see Yvonne's TEDx Talk #GetReadyForGrief #IJustShowedUp
Hi everyone, Yvonne Heath here with Love Your Life to Death.
I have promised that I would be sharing my 10 Tips on Navigating Global Grief. I am going to be sharing one "Tip" a month because we seem to be going through a LOT of grief right now. I would encourage you to watch this short video and share your thoughts below. To learn more about our Get Ready for Grief online program click here Purchase your copy of Love Your Life to Death, or audiobook here. Click here to see Yvonne's TEDx Talk #GetReadyForGrief #IJustShowedUp
Here is a short video clip showing a family dancing in their home.
It does not cost money to be silly and have fun. It is a great way to #IJustShowedUp for yourself and others. If you have created a silly/fun/family video in the last few months, I would encourage you to share too! To learn more about our Get Ready for Grief online program click here Purchase your copy of Love Your Life to Death, or audiobook here. Click here to see Yvonne's TEDx Talk #GetReadyForGrief #IJustShowedUp
Hi everyone, Yvonne here from Love Your Life to Death.
I'm in the Hunters Bay Radio Studio doing my show, and I'm on my own today. We have been chatting with many, many people and having lots of conversations about grief and COVID-19 and this pandemic, I thought that I would share my 10 Tips on Navigating Life and Grief. We, as a society, are done with this pandemic and COVID-19. The problem is that it's not done with us. We are still in the midst of all of this. And the hard cold fact is that we are not even close to being done with all of this. I'm sorry. I know. Nobody wants to hear this. But, if we talk about plan and prepare, as we move into the winter (it is coming!) and the uncertainty, we can prepare as much as possible. I shared my 10 Tips on Navigating Life and Grief and I'm going to do a monthly blog and talk about one of the tips once a month because again, this will be going on for a while. We are in this together. Together, we are stronger, we need to bring heart, humor, love, gratitude and kindness, all of that stuff along the way so we can learn from, and support one another, we will get through this! But remember, along the way, we have to be very intentional about checking in mentally, physically, emotionally, filling our happiness buckets and really supporting one another by showing up for ourselves and each other. So listen to the tips and feel free to connect at any time. If you go to our website, www.loveyourlifetodeath.com and follow us you will get the tips. If you already follow us and you want them (click here) and you can download them. We can do this together. Just Show Up for one another and we will be stronger and happier along the way. Thanks everyone. Bye for now. Click here to listen to this week's show To learn more about our Get Ready for Grief online program click here Purchase your copy of Love Your Life to Death, or audiobook here. Click here to see Yvonne's TEDx Talk
Hi everyone, Yvonne here with Love Your Life to Death.
I am just so excited about this week's message because as much as I am passionate about creating social change and having people talk about plan and prepare for grief and life's challenges before they arrive (and helping them navigate through) is often emotional and challenging. This week, we are talking about something just positive, wonderful and truly life changing. I am sharing with you the GenWell Project. I had Pete Bombaci, the founder and chief connection officer of the GenWell project on my RogersTV show, and I'm sharing the link today below. I encourage everybody to listen to the show, and then go to the website, www.genwellproject.org. It is about is human connection. It is a human connection movement, whose mission it is to make the world a happier and healthier place by reminding people about the importance of face to face human connection, and inspiring them to take action. This has never been so needed in the midst of this pandemic. There is a lot of chaos in the world right now. And so of course, we can't meet face to face the way we would want to. And yet there's so many ways that we can connect virtually and and make things happen and take action. There's just so many incredible messages that are shared on their website. There are short videos, you can watch, and they talk about reaching out to just one more person in a meaningful way. They are about having connected conversations now that we can't meet face to face we the way we would like to. They would inspire people to have a weekend, twice a year to intentionally create some connection, whether it was a pizza party at your office, or kids getting together in the park with dads. We can still do all of these things with the right safety factors in place. So I say from the bottom of my heart and soul thank you to Pete Bombaci, and the thought leaders and everyone who is involved in the GenWell Project for making such a difference. I encourage everyone everyone to listen to the show. You will be so inspired by adorable Pete. he is just all heart. Go to the Genwellproject.org find out how you can be involved even donate. They don't ask for funding and yet they to continue to create this. Everyone needs funding or donations. Be a thought leader. Be an ambassador, I'm going to be all of it. Thank you Pete. Let's all remember how important human connection is and take action. Thanks everyone. Bye for now. My RogersTV interview with Pete: HERE To learn more about our Get Ready for Grief online program click here Purchase your copy of Love Your Life to Death, or audiobook here. Click here to see Yvonne's TEDx Talk
Hi everyone, Yvonne Heath here from Love Your Life to Death.
It is just before the Canadian Thanksgiving. We are going for a walk in the forest because this is where we ground ourselves, rejuvenate and we grieve... Watch this short video to hear Yvonne's Thanksgiving message! Happy Thanksgiving everyone! To learn more about our Get Ready for Grief online program click here Purchase your copy of Love Your Life to Death, or audiobook here. Click here to see Yvonne's TEDx Talk
Hi everyone Yvonne Heath here from Love Your Life to Death.
In my presentations and in my TEDx Talk I share a story from five years ago when a lovely couple (Scott and Else) had a little bit of a health challenge, were not doing great. Scott was having some health concerns and they had their wood delivered and were unable to pile it. Our neighbour Holly, husband Jon and Brownyn sent out one text... Watch the short video to see the update this week! To learn more about our Get Ready for Grief online program click here Purchase your copy of Love Your Life to Death, or audiobook here. Click here to see Yvonne's TEDx Talk
Hi everyone. It's Yvonne Heath from Love Your Life to Death.
I am back in the Hunter's Bay Radio Studio with my friend stuck behind the plexiglass. Do you see him back there? Nico Byl. We are being very safe. He even walked in with his very cool mask. Nico is the guidance counselor at the Huntsville High School (and the the everything guy). You're the helping the students in many ways. Guidance counselor is a part of it and then there's lots more stuff too. Yes, there is. So we've been talking about this challenging time. Let's just talk about the fact that the kids are going back to school This is challenging for parents, teachers, students, everyone. We're in this together and we need to support each other as much as possible. So Nico, and I had a great chat, and we're going to chat again. So Nico, what do you feel is (in a minute or less) something we can share with everyone how to best support each other through this? I think to be honest about what's happening, look for opportunities in both the positives and negatives and ask yourself as we were chatting about, how can you use that? If today wasn't great, be honest about it, talk about it, look it in the eye and and use it for something tomorrow. Absolutely. And you know, as I always say we always have a choice. We don't always have the choice we wish we had. It's okay. Nobody would choose this right now. We would not choose this right now. And if we can acknowledge and allow that it is challenging, allow our feelings and now what. Now how can we make this better we are in this together! I just want to say to every staff person at any school anywhere I am sending you so much love. Please be very intentional with your self care. Parents support one another through this and students too. We will get through this. We appreciate that. Thank you. Thanks everyone. Listen to the show below: Listen Here to Nico's Show To learn more about our Get Ready for Grief online program click here Purchase your copy of Love Your Life to Death, or audiobook here. Click here to see Yvonne's TEDx Talk
Today marks the 5th anniversary of the release of
𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙔𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙇𝙞𝙛𝙚 𝙏𝙤 𝘿𝙚𝙖𝙩𝙝. I wanted to share this short video with you to say THANK YOU for sharing this moment with us! We love you all! To celebrate, we have two very special offers... 1. Purchase a copy of 𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙔𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙇𝙞𝙛𝙚 𝙏𝙤 𝘿𝙚𝙖𝙩𝙝 and receive a second GIFT copy to share with your family, friend, employer, or even your local library! Order Today! 2. Purchase Yvonne's 𝙂𝙚𝙩 𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙮 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙂𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙛 or 𝙂𝙚𝙩 𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙮 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙂𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙛 𝙋𝙡𝙪𝙨 online program and we will include TWO copies the book 𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙔𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙇𝙞𝙛𝙚 𝙏𝙤 𝘿𝙚𝙖𝙩𝙝 for you to keep or share! Order Today! Shop early because these promotions come to an end at 11:59PM on Saturday, September 19, 2020. To learn more about our Get Ready for Grief online program click here Purchase your copy of Love Your Life to Death, or audiobook here. Click here to see Yvonne's TEDx Talk |
Yvonne Heath is Canada's Proactive Living Consultant. She is a Speaker, Television Host, Award Winning Author Guest Blogs
Best Selling Author & Coach Ann McIndoo's Blog Yvonne's Guest Blog Life and Death Matters Archives
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