I listened to my inner voice. I vacated my comfort zone and I am following my dream,
fueled by my passion. And I am creating a life I love! But like most of us, I have unwanted visitors; doubt, fear, anxiety and worry. Every now and then, I allow these dream "stealers" to take over my joy, my optimism, my purpose. I catch myself, then I reach out for support, I read something motivational or I spend time in nature. And then someone sends me a video that helps to lift me up again. Thank you, Mrs. Kujala, for sharing with me AND for sharing with my children and your class! Here is that video. Watch it whenever those unwanted visitors appear and ask yourself: Do I have the courage to grab the dream that picked me? Video by: Prince Ea
Hi everyone! We are here in Picton, ON and it is September 16th, 2017.
We are here for a family wedding; Cousin Sam just married his lovely bride Jessica. It is a beautiful place and a spectacular day! It also happens to be the 2nd anniversary of the launch of my book, Love Your Life to Death. I am wearing my launch dress too! We have had a beautiful day and we are celebrating so many things! Our 14th wedding anniversary is also in a few days, on September 20th. Fun fact: Sam and his twin brother Luke were at our wedding when they were the same age as our twins. Jadyn and Tanner! I am just thrilled with the tremendous positive feedback we have received from you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, to all of you who have supported us, read and shared my book. Just keep Loving Your Life to Death! :)
I interviewed my friend, Saree Sasson, for my Hunter’s Bay Radio Show (which will be shared on my website!). Saree is an amazing young lady who is sharing her story of a downward spiral into the frightening and dangerous world of anorexia. She shares her wisdom so that others can be supported and maybe not go down that road! Y: Saree, what is your most important message to people going down the road of anorexia and to the people around them? Saree: The biggest thing is that it’s okay. You don’t have to be ashamed. You don’t have to be worried that you are doing to be judged (even if you are, that’s their problem!). It’s life, it happens. But you need to get help or you need to help that person. Don’t worry about what people are going to think. It’s just being there, being there for yourself. Like you said, just showing up! There are so many people that push it under the rug. They don’t want to talk about it or get involved. They don’t want the pressure or to have to worry. Y: “I don’t know what to do! I know what to say! It’s awkward, I can’t fix it! “That stops a lot of people. I say,“Then find somebody who can. And show up anyway!” Reach out, even if your friend is going to be mad at you. When your mom was trying to talk to you, you were angry because you didn’t want to look at your own issue. But Too Bad!! Saree: She saved my life! If she hadn’t been that way with me, I probably wouldn’t be here today. So… even though it sucked at the time and I hated her, well, I loved her too but… Y: You hated what was happening, being confronted! Saree: Yes, but again, I wouldn’t be here, I wouldn’t be who I am, I wouldn’t be able to share my story. And that’s the message…you gotta say something! And now I know that I need to be there for myself as well. Y: Absolutely! Show up for yourself first! And if you didn’t in the past, or you didn’t show up for someone else, forgive yourself and do better next time! And you keep showing up for yourself, and you are quite fabulous. Not perfect, we don’t want perfection! Thank you for sharing your story, Saree, I have no doubt you will be helping more people than you’ll ever know. And good luck in New Zealand where you will be going to school. I think I should visit to see how you are doing. And yes, I will bring you lots of maple syrup!
If you see something, say something. Just Show up!
Here I was, once again, at Camp Can-Aqua where Geordie and his sister Lindsey
were campers then counselors for over ten years each. They talked about camp SO MUCH I thought, “What on earth is so special about this camp?” So I became the camp nurse for five years. Geordie and I were known as “The Doctors.” And I found out how truly magical summer camp is. Each year, when I come back I am reminded of the important things in life. It is extraordinary to see kids of all ages and cultures, where no one cares if you’re a jock, a nerd, your sexual orientation or how much money you have. Everyone just wants to build relationships, be out in nature and have good clean fun. You learn leadership skills, although a lot of the time you are not even aware of it, amazing life lessons and reminders of what you can be. To see these kids grieving because they are saying goodbye to each other tugs at my heart. They have had the greatest summer ever. They’re in their socks and sandals and messy hair, just enjoying being together and forming lifelong friendships. What is important? It’s what’s in your heart. We all want and deserve the same things; acceptance, respect and happiness. I thank Camp Can-Aqua for giving my children this amazing opportunity, where they feel all of this and so much more. This was Jadyn and Tanner’s 7th summer. It wasn’t easy to convince them to come home. Thank you to all summer camps everywhere for teaching children what can be—acceptance, friendships regardless of differences and good clean fun! |
Yvonne Heath is Canada's Proactive Living Consultant. She is a Speaker, Television Host, Award Winning Author Guest Blogs
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