I believe that living and loving our life is absolutely possible for everyone,
no matter the adversity and challenge. In my mid 20’s, on the heels of a very difficult childhood, I was faced with the painful truth that my sister was going to die. She was diagnosed as HIV positive due to a tainted blood transfusion and in those days this was an incurable, fatal diagnosis. I spent 10 years in anticipatory grief as I watched her deteriorate (my hair turned white in the last 5 years of her illness). During those 10 years, in answer to her urgently calling me forward, I began my spiritual journey where I practiced both physical and spiritual yoga, and engaged in dedicated intensive inner work. This led me to eventually understand that my mission in life was to impart the accumulated wisdom that was imparted to me through my own journey, and share my gifts. I’d been a career coach for 20 years and then started my own private Inner Core Coach practice 3 years ago, where I’m now able to empower others who may be struggling with grief or difficult challenges to learn and develop an internal success by tapping into the Inner Core of their being. A lot of times success is created on the outside yet there’s still an "unsettledness" and unsteadiness on the inside. I’ve come to know that looking outside ourselves to our external circumstances or situations for the answers is never sustainable, and that lasting success is really an internal job. I believe that the answers undeniably live inside us, and I show people how to access their own. In order to tap into those answers and not get caught in the past or the future, or those limiting beliefs that have such a hold on us, we HAVE to get quiet. Every moment that you can remember to just Stop, Breathe, and Be Here Now, gives you space to see and hear what shows up – and it’s in this Presence, that the missing pieces of the puzzle arise and that the answers inside you show up. It’s where the aliveness, the richness and vitality lives in all of us. It’s what sets us free. It’s a practice that takes courage and willingness to look inward. I feel so incredibly blessed to have been able to turn the adversity of my life into GOLD, bare my chest, and move into a place where I can have an impact and make a difference in so many lives. “In order for something to change on the outside, something new has to be created on the inside”. Stop, Breathe, Be Here Now. www.innercorecoach.com
Why do we do this to ourselves? Why do we look at our own lives, jobs, relationships, yards… then look longingly at what someone else has and sigh, “He is so lucky. I wish I had what he has.” Or, we go to work and instead of doing the very best job we can, we are watching what others are doing and making sure that they are doing their share and that we aren’t getting a raw deal. Or maybe we envy someone’s looks or relationship. What does this cause? Excessive Suffering. Joy Stealing. Missing out on what we have. Two things: #1. You’ve got what you’ve got, they've got what they've got. #2. Maybe their life is better… and maybe it isn’t. I am guilty of this; wishing my life was like someone else’s, only to find out behind closed doors they were hiding an abusive life. It was a great lesson. The truth is, that some people will have a better life than you, and some will have a harder life than you. Maybe your neighbour down the road is looking at your life, at your lawn and wishing they had what you have. At the end of the day, it is your responsibility to become the best version of yourself possible and you have the opportunity to share your gifts with the world. My thought? Stop worrying about what others have or what others are doing. If you weed your garden, use the best soil you can, tend to it a little bit every day with a whole lot of TLC, you just never know what will grow. Just cut your own grass!
Be grateful for what you have today, and plant seeds for new and exciting things to grow tomorrow. Sue Kelly is an unstoppable woman!
After years as a nurse, she shared what she had learned along the way, and has created an extraordinary new movement…Still Sexy after 60! And she exudes sexy! Not just because she wears great colours, funky glasses and is not afraid to yell “Woohoo!” But as Sue states very clearly, “Sexy is about attitude!” It is indeed. It is about not letting your spirit get old! I attended and had the honour of being one of the speakers at the first “Still Sexy after 60 Conference” in Gravenhurst, ON, Oct 2016. The energy in the room was palpable as 150 women of various backgrounds, interests and ages, gathered in sisterhood as kindred spirits to learn, cry, support each other and then laugh until some of us peed our pants (no names!) When women get together and are reminded that they have value, get pampered and feed their hearts and souls, they can go back to their lives rejuvenated, revived and reminded that they are still sexy! Isn’t it wonderful when we can do that for each other? What could you do today to pamper yourself, a friend or a loved one? Remember… Sexy is about Attitude…So be your sexy self! There are some people you meet, and instantly love and walk away from, feeling like your heart is smiling.
Frank Nelson is one of those people. I have no doubt the diagnosis of cancer, then 22 months later hearing the word “terminal” was devastating! But that did not stop Frank. He changed his life, found new purpose and his eyes sparkle when he talks about the people he has helped. He has had it all; surgery, radiation and continues to have chemotherapy. There are down days and fatigue. But most of the time Frank is too busy giving to worry about all that. What is Frank’s mission? What keeps him motivated and happy? Paying it back and acts of kindness. With supportive family, friends and volunteers, Frank has given money to people facing hard times, he gives away clothes, has surprised a struggling family with groceries, gave mattresses to people who were sleeping on the floor and so much more. He works tirelessly, doing big things and little things. And they are all acts of kindness and make the world a better place. And he is loving his life! I am in awe of Frank and all that he has done and continues to do. Thank you, Frank, for being the change you want to see in the world, for making a difference and inspiring more people than you will ever know. You have certainly inspired me! Learn more about Frank at Here Follow Frank on Facebook Here I am so excited to announce that Love Your Life to Death is on the move! Two incredible UNSTOPPABLE women- Frankie Picasso and Alex Okoroji- are committed to creating change in the world, and have asked 21 women from different continents to share their inspiring stories to empower people globally! The Title? I Bared My Chest! And we are doing just that- metaphorically speaking of course. We are unapologetically telling of struggles, turmoil, exposing our flaws and imperfections. But we are UNSTOPPABLE and moving forward, no matter what. I am in awe of the other 20 incredible women being featured in this book. They are diverse in culture, gay, straight, and single. They take in orphans, fight for women's rights, men's rights, love animals and the earth. They've had cancer, lost children to suicide, their lives have been in danger...and the list goes on. They are a gift to the world. "Thank you, Frankie and Alex for sharing these stories. Together we will create a culture of change." Please support this movement by sharing the links below, purchasing the book, telling anyone and everyone about it. This book will help people everywhere, with part of the proceeds going to a charity. https://twitter.com/IBaredMyChest https://www.thunderclap.it/projects/47728-the-ibaredmychest-campaign http://bit.ly/BareChestPressKit What do you think really happens when 21 Unstoppable Women from Different Continents Get Together? |
Yvonne Heath is Canada's Proactive Living Consultant. She is a Speaker, Television Host, Award Winning Author Guest Blogs
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