I’m sharing a couple of things that have been so meaningful for me recently.
Last week I marched in very cold weather for the Women’s March Muskoka, 2019. I was so taken with the men, women and children who marched along with their signs, being a voice for change. I’ve often heard people saying, “Feminism!!” And think it’s Rah Rah Rah, and announce that they are not a feminist. Really, it’s just about rights, respect, inclusion, equal pay, safety. Isn’t this something we all want for our spouses, mothers, sisters, daughters—for all the women we know? It’s just a voice for basic human rights. It was a very moving experience (this year and last) and something I was very proud to be a part of. And another great moment was interviewing Heather Hay on my ROGERStv show, Real Life Talks. She is truly an amazing person who is a voice for elder abuse prevention and also the President of Fierte Pride Canada. When I think about women’s rights, advocacy for our elderly population and for our LGBTQ community…it’s all the same message! It’s about Just Showing Up, letting people know they have value, they matter and they deserve happiness and to be respected. The greatest message that Heather shared was, Be the One Who Cares. I love that. Be the one who cares when anyone is being neglected, abused, bullied… if you see something, say something. It’s the same message no matter what the situation. I encourage everyone to watch this episode with Heather, march when you can or be a voice for everyone. We are all each other’s responsibility. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aiduXrkTmj8 Thank you for being part of our community! Purchase your copy of Love Your Life to Death here, our Audio, From Avoidance to Resilience or your #IJustShowedUp bracelet. Stay tuned for Yvonne's TEDx talk in 2019! For my blog this week, I am introducing you to Eric Goll.
Eric is a wonderful person making a difference. I’ve included a link to the podcast we did together too. I hope you find this information helpful! The mission of Empowering Ability Podcast: At Empowering Ability, we’re about creating equal opportunities for people with intellectual or developmental disabilities. It is our mission to help you help your loved ones enjoy life to its fullest, EVERY DAY. https://www.empoweringability.org/single-post/YvonneHeath Eric & Sarah's Story I'm Eric Goll, and this is a picture of my older sister (Sarah), and I. Sarah was born with a disability that impacts her both intellectually and physically. We grew up with what we both consider typical sibling relationship; we played, we laughed, we cried, and we fought with each other. I noticed things were different when I was about 8 years old as I pushed my big sister's stroller in the mall. As I pushed Sarah, I started to notice people were staring at us, especially the other kids. As the other kids stared, I stared back. I stuck out my tongue at them, and on occasion I even gave them the middle finger (I was a secret bad ass 8 year old). I asked myself why were they staring? I realized my family was different than theirs. In my 20's, I started to distance myself from my family as my sister sat at home isolated in my parents basement. Tension built as my sister tried to be her own person, but my parents kept her safeguarded making decisions they thought were best. My sister rebelled, and our family started to fall apart. I had a decision to make; keep my head stuck in the sand, or become a contributing and compassionate brother and son. I chose the latter and it has been a trans-formative experience for me, and my family. I coached with my sister to design and create the life she wanted for herself. Sarah now lives with me, directs her own support, and has control over her decisions with support from her circle of support. Through this experience with my family I found my purpose: to support families in creating their version of their best lives. I firmly believe that our best lives are ordinary lives (not special), and lived in relationship in our communities. As a coach and a podcast host, my job is to support families to live a powerful and joyful life, and to share with you the best tools and resources available from world class leaders in disability. Be assured, these tools are much better than the tool I could have taught you when I was 8 years old (giving society the middle finger). If my story resonates with you and you are supporting someone with a disability to live their best life, I would love it if you came along on this journey together. We can stay connected by subscribing to my blog/ podcast or if you can inquire about working with me! With Love and Respect, Eric Goll Here is a link to the podcast with Eric and I. https://www.empoweringability.org/single-post/YvonneHeath Thank you for being part of our community! Purchase your copy of Love Your Life to Death here, our Audio, From Avoidance to Resilience or your #IJustShowedUp bracelet. Stay tuned for Yvonne's TEDx talk in 2019!
For my first I Just Showed Up radio show of 2019, (airing Saturday January 12th, then available on the podcast [Here] I decided to highlight the incredible guests of 2018; so many phenomenal people taking their life experiences—the good, the bad, the challenges, the traumas—and they created something good out of it. They share their stories, they are helping and supporting others in their communities. They are going above and beyond. Truly extraordinary. So if their story resonates with your story, perhaps they are someone you can reach out to. Because that’s what they’re all about; people helping people. I am truly honoured to have had them on my show. 2019 is going to be an extraordinary year! Here are some highlights: *We are creating our online program, which will be available in the next few months *March 7th: Keynote Speaker at PARO Event at Hidden Valley Resort in Huntsville, ON. Supports enterprising women. https://goo.gl/tr17YK *March 21st: Volunteer at the Global Influence Summit in San Diego,CA. For Transformational Thought Leaders. https://goo.gl/u4sSfm *March 30th: Speaker at TEDxOrillia https://goo.gl/vgFkho And that’s only the beginning. Thank you, everyone, for all that you do. Keep up the great work! Let’s make 2019 TRANSFORMATIONAL, INCREDIBLE AND AMAZING!! 2018 “I Just Showed Up” Radio Guests:
1.Allie Chisolm- Smith Co-founder of Enliven-living well with a cancer diagnosis.http://www.enlivenmuskoka.ca/ 2.Kevin Cutler: Trainer/Facilitator for International Institute for Restorative Practice Canada https://www.linkedin.com/in/kevin-cutler-844042114/ Real Life Talks guest: https://goo.gl/1FZcHu 3.Robert Alldred-Hughes: Sharing his journey of “coming out” in his twenties, and living a life he loves in Muskoka! 4.Karen Litchfield: Co-founder of The Clothes Closet, located at Huntsville High School. https://www.facebook.com/theclothesclosetHHS/ 4.Suzanne Witt-Foley: Speaker and Mental Health First Aid Educator https://www.suzannewittfoley.com/ Real Life Talks guest: https://goo.gl/DxSLzM 6.Claudette Chartrand: Healing Facilitator https://wavesofhealing.ca/ 7.Eva Zachary and Jody North: Muskoka Victim Services-Support for victims of crime and tragedy. http://muskokavs.ca/ 8.Carolyn Vandyken: Reg. physiotherapist, specializing in pelvic health issues for men and women https://www.physioworksmuskoka.com/ Real Life Talks guest: https://goo.gl/peY3yf 9.Gael Bishop: Fitness From Within-Coaching For Life. (Facebook) Gael shared her story of alcoholism and getting the help she needed! 10.Ciara Thompson: From bullied to Miss Canada 2017. Advocate for homelessness. Now entering Miss Galaxy Pageant 11.Paul Mascarin: From Muskoka Kia. e a volunteer as an individual, support your community as a company 12.Valerie Fleck: Co-founder of 100 Women Who Care Muskoka. Supporting local charities! https://www.100wwcmuskoka.com/ 13.Heather Berg: Founder of the Table Soup Kitchen Foundation. Bringing Community together to help others. https://thetablefoundation.ca/ Thank you for being part of our community! Purchase your copy of Love Your Life to Death here, our Audio, From Avoidance to Resilience or your #IJustShowedUp bracelet. Stay tuned for Yvonne's TEDx talk in 2019!
If you are like me, you’ve made New Year’s Resolutions every year.
You may have followed through with some, and not with others. The ones that fell to the wayside made you feel guilty and critical of yourself. You may have been bound and determined to really stick to your guns the next year and lose that weight, quit smoking, save money, etc. Did it work, or did you see yourself as a failure again? It is great to have goals, but not great to be your worst critic. Why not become your biggest fan and lean into whatever it is you’d like to change? That’s what I have finally done in the second act of my life. If it takes you less than five decades to get there, more power to you! I used to be so hard on myself when I did not accomplish what I set out to do. I would berate myself for failing again and compare myself to others. I focused on all that I didn’t do well and minimized my accomplishments. No more. It truly is sad that we often will speak to ourselves in a way that we wouldn’t speak to others. We sure wouldn’t tolerate hearing others speak to those we care about in that way. Well, I’ve fired my inner critic. Although I can still hear that negative voice in the background (never really goes away), I now pay attention and catch it. I let it know, “Thanks, but I’m not interested in what you have to say!” I’ve become my greatest cheerleader, my inner coach. Isn’t that a much better way to live? I don’t depend on others for that pat on the back or that “Way to go!” I give it to myself and tell myself what a great job I’ve done. Of course, it’s nice to hear from others, but I don’t count on it. When I do make a mistake or break a promise to myself, I acknowledge it, learn from it, and do better next time. No more berating. When I know I would be better off if I broke a bad habit, but don’t feel quite ready, I start by saying, “I want to want to.” I want to want to lose weight, quit drinking, exercise more, or whatever it may be. Start there. Then be kind along the path. It isn’t easy changing habits, especially if you are surrounded by others who enable you or have the same habits. If you truly want to change something, find people who are doing what you’d like to do! When I quit drinking on December 31st, 2015, I was not sure if I would be successful long term. A funny thing was that one of the things that helped me stick to it was watching how uncomfortable other people were around a non-drinker. “Really, are you sure you don’t want something? Oh, I’m sure you can have just one!” Wow, I thought, we really have a society that revolves around drinking! It was a big Ah-hah moment for me, and fueled my determination. The list of reasons to drink was pretty short; social, love red wine, calms me. The list of why not, on the other hand, seemed endless; waste of money, a problem when you want to drive, poor decisions made, hangovers, munchies and poor diet, shields us from the feelings we need to feel (especially grief), and on it went. I’m not telling you to quit drinking, I’m saying that to be the very best version of yourself is your greatest gift. So, if there are habits that are getting in the way of that, start by wanting to want to change. Become your best cheerleader and coach, find others who live the way you want to live, then lean into change, knowing that it may take some time. The greatest resolution you can make is to resolve to love yourself, be happy, be your own best friend, take baby steps in the right direction, correct your path with kindness, and you just never know what magic awaits you. Celebrate you, in 2019 and always! Thank you for being part of our community! Purchase your copy of Love Your Life to Death here, our Audio, From Avoidance to Resilience or your #IJustShowedUp bracelet. Stay tuned for Yvonne's TEDx talk in 2019! |
Yvonne Heath is Canada's Proactive Living Consultant. She is a Speaker, Television Host, Award Winning Author Guest Blogs
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