I was so delighted to interview Carolyn Vandyken on my
Hunters Bay Radio Show. I thanked her for Just Showing Up and creating change in the world and educating people about pelvic floor health. Here’s what she shared: Most of us ignore our pelvic floor throughout our life span. It’s not that we want to, we’re just not told about pelvic health. It’s a bit of a taboo subject, but it shouldn’t be. We all own pelvic floors—men and women—and we are all affected by what is happening with those muscles. They can be too tight and cause painful periods, intercourse and all sorts of problems. They may be too weak and cause incontinence (leaking urine or bowel issues). Statistically at this point, 1 in 2 of us end our life in diapers. I must repeat: If you don’t think this is important information; 1 in 2 people, in their senior years, end up in diapers. I personally would like to avoid that if possible! And there are things we can do throughout our lives to change that! Carolyn agrees: Completely avoidable!! 90% of incontinence can be easily cured with some simple exercises. They’re not all kegels. Remember I said tension is a problem, so often we have to learn to relax those muscles. I want to share this information with everyone everywhere. I also interviewed Carolyn on my ROGERStv Show. So many issues teens, women and men have are avoidable or curable! I encourage everyone with issues or learn prevention. Your pelvic floor is very important and needs attention. Did you know it has five functions? Learn and be healthy! Take good care of your pelvic floor! www.physioworksmuskoka.com www.pelvichealthsolutions.com
A couple of years ago, we were visiting these four fabulous ladies (Right to Left):
Elyse (age 7, little sister), Gia, Viv and Brielle (8 year old triplets). We talked about the fact that we can all Just Show Up and they really understood. We did a vlog on 7/13/17. So I asked them if in the last couple of years, there was a time they Just Showed Up and this is what they shared: Elyse: I hugged my mom when Papa died. That is one of the most amazing ways to Just Show Up. Thank you! Giavanna: I Facetimed Daddy when he was away. When Daddy is traveling he is lonely and of course he misses you. Facetime is a wonderful way to Just Show Up. Thank you. Vivienne: I give the guinea pigs food and love. You really know how to Just Show Up for all animals, and people too. Thank you! Brielle: I became friends with a girl when she was new at our school. She was probably nervous and then she became your BFF. Your really Just Showed Up for her. Thank you! These four ladies really know how to Just Show Up They certainly have for me many times! and I love them SO much. Let’s tell people… when you don’t know what to do and you don’t know what to say… All together… Just Show Up! www.ijustshowedup.com
Gerry Croteau (with the great bow tie!) is the Executive Director for the
Gilbert Centre in Barrie, ON. Gerry shares: For the LGBTQ community, there is programming, information, parenting support, HIV teaching—the whole gamut! There is a website, people to call and talk to and a variety of programs. There is important information that parents and teachers may not have! We also network and partner with other organizations such as CMHA (Canadian Mental Health Association) and public health. We are entrenched in the Simcoe/Muskoka community. Gerry and I had a fun and spicy conversation on my ROGERStv show, “Real Life Talks.” Tune in here: The Gilbert Centre takes a broad, social determinants approach to our work that is based in social justice, health equity and human rights. We see to engage individuals, families, organizations, institutions and communities as partners and collaborators in the work we undertake. We are committed to the greater involvement and meaningful engagement of people living with HIV/AIDS (GIPA/MIPA). We engage all those who live, work with and are affected by HIV/AIDS and their allies in a culture of inclusivity intended to foster an expanding and inclusive approach that embraces those living with HIV in all their diversity and circumstances. The Gilbert Centre recognizes and respects all human rights, identities, and experiences. People who identify as lesbian, gay, bi, trans, two spirit, and all queer and trans people are welcomed and supported. Gerry, Thank you for all that you do to empower and educate people! www.gilbertcentre.ca Regardless of age, race, ability/disability, sexual orientation... we can make a difference. No matter how small it (or you) may be. Thank you, Austin! You are a Superhero!! Click here (to watch this amazing video of Austin!) #showlove #ijustshowedup |
Yvonne Heath is Canada's Proactive Living Consultant. She is a Speaker, Television Host, Award Winning Author Guest Blogs
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