Hi everyone, Yvonne Heath here with Love Your Life to Death.
It is November 15, 2020. And I have just attended my first Russian clown tour virtually, with Patch Adams and all of his wonderful clowns from around the world. This would have been their 36th trip to Russia, for their clowning trip, where they go and they support Maria's Children. Maria, (who is just this extraordinary human being) and so many other people in Russia, bring clowning to children and people in hospitals and everywhere, and bring them joy. And it was so extraordinary to be online with all of the beautiful souls who just want to bring joy to the world are willing to be silly, willing to put on a red cow nose and just help people have fun. Especially for those who are suffering who are lonely who are isolated. So, Patch and everyone encouraged all of us to clown whenever we can, anywhere, anytime. Just make people smile, just smile. Just be friendly. Just be kind. We need a clowning revolution. We need a clowning invasion. We need so much love on the planet right now. And so I encourage each and every one of you to ask yourself every day, how can I make someone smile today? I am going to smile. It will make their world a little brighter. And yours too. I think we should all start a clowning invasion whenever we can. Everywhere, with everyone. Let's make this a happier planet starting now. To learn more about Patch Adams and his famous clowning trips click here. To learn more about our Get Ready for Grief online program click here Purchase your copy of Love Your Life to Death, or audiobook here. Click here to see Yvonne's TEDx Talk #GetReadyForGrief #IJustShowedUp
Hi everyone, Yvonne Heath here. I am back in the studio at
Hunters Bay Radio and I have my lovely guest Suzanne Willett (back there, hiding behind the plexi glass). Can you hear her? I hope so because she's not as loud as I am! Suzanne is the Executive Director at Community Living Huntsville. We have had a great conversation, we have absolutely, had a great conversation. What I wanted to know is how we can better support our community members, those with disabilities, developmental disabilities, that community living supports, and everyone actually who may be alone lonely, isolated. It's not just people that we support are feeling lonely, isolated these days. It's it's your neighbors, it's your people down the street. It's everyone. So, so, so important. And I think that we have to remember that and take our blinders off. And as I shared a few weeks ago Pete Bombachi, from the #GenWell project, always reach out to just one more person. Let's be aware and if everyone reached out to just one more person and had a conversation, a quick phone call something just to check in, in this pandemic, during the winter, ongoing, just one more you could make the difference. So please listen to this show, and keep that in mind. Always. Suzanne, thank you so much to you and all the Community Living staff for all that you do. We so appreciate you. Thanks bye for now. Listen to the Radio Show Here To learn more about our Get Ready for Grief online program click here Purchase your copy of Love Your Life to Death, or audiobook here. Click here to see Yvonne's TEDx Talk #GetReadyForGrief #IJustShowedUp
Hi everyone, Yvonne Heath here with Love Your Life to Death.
I am recording this video on November 11th, 2020. Remembrance Day. For many people Remembrance Day is time to think back to war time, what people endured, how many loved ones died and all the horrific things they witnessed and all they lost. I encourage you to watch this entire video and share a few thoughts about someone that you know who has served (or serving still today). How will you express your gratitude for the sacrifices others have made so we can live the life we do? We will never forget. To learn more about our Get Ready for Grief online program click here Purchase your copy of Love Your Life to Death, or audiobook here. Click here to see Yvonne's TEDx Talk #GetReadyForGrief #IJustShowedUp
Hi everyone, Yvonne Heath here with Love Your Life to Death.
I have promised that I would be sharing my 10 Tips on Navigating Global Grief. I am going to be sharing one "Tip" a month because we seem to be going through a LOT of grief right now. I would encourage you to watch this short video and share your thoughts below. To learn more about our Get Ready for Grief online program click here Purchase your copy of Love Your Life to Death, or audiobook here. Click here to see Yvonne's TEDx Talk #GetReadyForGrief #IJustShowedUp |
Yvonne Heath is Canada's Proactive Living Consultant. She is a Speaker, Television Host, Award Winning Author Guest Blogs
Best Selling Author & Coach Ann McIndoo's Blog Yvonne's Guest Blog Life and Death Matters Archives
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