Hello to our wonderful community! We are excited to share our recent interview with The Waiting Room Revolution! We love Dr. Sammy Winemaker and Dr. Hsien Seow. They are doing wonderful work and changing lives! Here is a short excerpt from the the show: "This episode is a double header innovation special where we chat with two different innovators for 15 minutes each. Our first guest is Yvonne Heath, founder of Love your Life to Death. We chat with Yvonne about what led her to create Love Your Life to Death and how you don't need to do more than "Just Show Up" wherever you are to make a difference. To learn more about Yvonne visit: https://www.loveyourlifetodeath.com/ Our second guest is Dr. Alyssa Boyd, a palliative care physician and co-founder of the Living Wish Foundation. We chat with her about the impact it has had on the community and how the idea of a final wish can spread. To learn more about Living Wish Foundation visit: https://www.livingwishfoundation.org/about-us" Listen to the interview here: For more information about The Waiting Room Revolution: www.waitingroomrevolution.com To learn more about our Get Ready for Grief online program click here Purchase your copy of Love Your Life to Death, or audiobook here. Click here to see Yvonne's TEDx Talk #GetReadyForGrief #IJustShowedUp and don't forget... Watch Yvonne's new Television Show Thursday at 2pm EST on ROKU, Amazon FIRE and APPLE TV or HERE!
Hello friends, Yvonne Heath here with Love Your Life to Death. The holidays are right around the corner. Last week I shared how we need to show up for ourselves first, especially at the holidays when emotions are heightened and we feel our losses more deeply. We need to show up for ourselves first, acknowledge and allow our feelings and be okay with not being okay and allowing grief and joy (which can coexist). Today my message is: When someone is grieving, struggling, in a crisis, and you don't know what to do, and you don't know what to say, just show up. Just Show Up. You cannot fix grief you can acknowledge and allow hard feelings. The truth is that we can still allow the joy of the holidays and celebrate and support those who are not feeling joyful. We can allow all of it. There is room for all of it. So please, check in with those who perhaps do not want to celebrate right now. Let them know you care, that you are thinking about them, (drop things off, shovel their walkway, walk their dogs) because life continues on even when grief takes a hold of us, especially at the holidays. Bring them cookies. Do what your heart leads you to do, knowing that we cannot fix it. We can love and support one another along the way. Show up for yourself first no matter what. And always remember to just show up for one another now and always. I will always be here and to Just Show Up for you. I love you all.
To learn more about our Get Ready for Grief online program click here Purchase your copy of Love Your Life to Death, or audiobook here. Click here to see Yvonne's TEDx Talk #GetReadyForGrief #IJustShowedUp and don't forget... Watch Yvonne's new Television Show Thursday at 2pm EST on ROKU, Amazon FIRE and APPLE TV or HERE!
Hi everyone, Yvonne Heath here with Love Your Life to Death. I have spoken with so many grieving souls in the last few weeks. The holidays are right around the corner, (whatever the holidays may mean to you). I want to take this opportunity to remind everyone that if this is a time of grief and struggle and loss, for you, for your family, for those you love, care about, please show up for yourself first. Show up for yourself first, acknowledge and allow your feelings and your messiness. We don't have to be strong for everyone. We can grieve with them. We can get through this together. So many people want to be strong for everyone and hold it together and pretend they are fine when they are not. I would invite you to do just the opposite. Taking good care of yourself and showing up for yourself first allows you to attend whatever festivities you may want to. Leave when you need to, or don't attend at all. If someone calls and you want to talk, answer the phone if you do not... Don't answer. Be okay to cry. Allow your feelings. Often over the holidays, all emotions are heightened (especially grief) when you're you're feeling the emptiness of the loss of someone that is no longer living and you can do whatever you need to do to honor them and include their memory. Look at pictures. It's okay. Next time we'll talk about how we can just show up for others who are grieving. I just wanted to start with sending so much love to each and every one of you, especially those who are grieving whether it is divorce, a diagnosis, a job loss, the death of a loved one. Show up for yourself first, especially over the holidays, and feel free to reach out anytime I am here for you. To learn more about our Get Ready for Grief online program click here Purchase your copy of Love Your Life to Death, or audiobook here. Click here to see Yvonne's TEDx Talk #GetReadyForGrief #IJustShowedUp and don't forget... Watch Yvonne's new Television Show Thursday at 2pm EST on ROKU, Amazon FIRE and APPLE TV or HERE! Hi everyone, this week I would love to share a new blog focused on positivity and opportunity. Thank you, Stu McKinnon, for creating a blog, exploring possibilities no matter what we are facing and for sharing my message. We all need support and guidance on this journey. I am grateful that you Just Showed Up! Click here to read the full blog and learn about Karmatunity!
To learn more about our Get Ready for Grief online program click here Purchase your copy of Love Your Life to Death, or audiobook here. Click here to see Yvonne's TEDx Talk #GetReadyForGrief #IJustShowedUp and don't forget... Watch Yvonne's new Television Show Thursday at 2pm EST on ROKU, Amazon FIRE and APPLE TV or HERE!
Hi everyone, Yvonne Heath here from Love Your Life to Death. Sometimes we share topics that are heavy on the heart or to support you on your healing journey. This week, I wanted to share this special moment I recently experienced with a Blue jay... just to make you smile! Thank you Wendy McCrae for capturing this short video! Have you ever fed a Bird like this? To learn more about our Get Ready for Grief online program click here Purchase your copy of Love Your Life to Death, or audiobook here. Click here to see Yvonne's TEDx Talk #GetReadyForGrief #IJustShowedUp and don't forget...
Watch Yvonne's new Television Show Thursday at 2pm EST on ROKU, Amazon FIRE and APPLE TV or HERE!
This week I want to share the most incredible experience we have
just been through with a gentleman that we knew, not a close friend, but someone we knew. "Joe" was a friend of my mom's that she hadn't seen in many years. A few months ago, he went to the hospital for pain, and it ended up going in a different trajectory than he anticipated. He was admitted immediately and needed nursing home placement. Sadly, before he even made it there, he died. Very quickly, it was just a whirlwind of activity and trying to figure out what was happening. This man did not have a village, close family or friends. Suddenly he was in the hospital, he had an apartment full of things, a car and all all kinds of paperwork to be sorted through. He was everything I've been teaching and preaching about being proactive. We will call him Joe. (It's always Joe!). Joe said "I read your your book three times. I loved it. I just didn't do any of that". We became the Love Your Life to Death team. We Just Showed Up. We emptied Joe's apartment and sold his car and helped with his paperwork. We supported him right till his last breath. Grief and joy, heartwarming and heart wrenching. We made sure that his belongings were brought to the men's shelter, food to the food bank, glasses, we donated to the optometrist so that that they could be given to someone who needed them. We continue to do these things to honor Joe. And we're very grateful that our children have some of his dishes that they will use in college. Thank you, Joe, for all you have taught us. Remember: Let's talk about planning prepare before grief transitions and end of life arrive. Thank you for the privilege and honour of being a part of your journey at end of life. For everything that you've taught us. If you have any stories to share, I would love to hear them. If you would like to learn more about how we supported Joe on his journey, you can watch three episodes on my show Navigating Grief with Heart and Humour HERE
Hi everyone, as I'm going for my daily walk, I realize this is a time of a lot of transitions. And as we know, there's grief and joy with transitions. Even the change of seasons. This week we're helping someone transition from home to a nursing home. Our kids are in last year of school and thinking about after high school. There's a lot going on in our lives. So I just want to ask you one thing... How are you doing? How are you doing today? How are things in your life? Are you going through transitions? Are you going through change? Grief, joy, any of it all of it? Today, I just want to check in and I would love to hear from you. You can send a message and let me know how you're doing. Do you have the support you need? Are you taking good care of yourself? Are you acknowledging and allowing all your feelings? Are you a hot mess like I am sometimes. LOL. Anyways, today's just about saying, How are you doing? For real. Please let me know. For the most part I'm doing okay. I have my moments a little bit of a roller coaster. Can you relate? I look forward to hearing from you. And thank you so much. Just remember whatever you're going through is temporary. And so there will always be joy again. Let me know how you are doing HERE!
To learn more about our Get Ready for Grief online program click here Purchase your copy of Love Your Life to Death, or audiobook here. Click here to see Yvonne's TEDx Talk #GetReadyForGrief #IJustShowedUp and don't forget... Watch Yvonne's new Television Show Thursday at 2pm EST on ROKU, Amazon FIRE and APPLE TV or HERE!
Hi everyone, it is a very special day for all of us here.
Today is September 16 2022. This marks the seventh anniversary of the launch of my book, Love Your Life to Death in 2015. Thank you Peter Jennings for hosting our event. It has been an incredible seven years. Thousands and thousands of people have read the wonderful stories. I am so humbled and honored to to be able to share them with the world. We want to celebrate! And so for an entire month (until October 16) we are going to be selling our books, and our ebooks for 50%. 50% Off! This means that you can buy them a copy for your all your friends, family and your organization. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the support and the love from everyone in the last seven years. This is just the beginning. So let's celebrate! Feel free to drop us a line and let us know what you thought of the book. Join our community. This is what it's all about creating social change and supporting one another. Thanks so much. Click the link below to copy and share with your friends, family and organizations. Together we can continue to create a culture of change! Make sure to enter the coupon code lyltd to receive 50% off!
Hi everyone, Yvonne Heath here from Love Your Life to Death. Well, I did say that we would follow up after we started our deck project, and I thought, you know, I'm gonna give it a week maybe two and we will be done. But you have to remember to double the cost and double the time. That is what I always say. Well, that would have been wonderful! Five weeks, and so many hours everyday. Power washing, sanding, scraping, splinters and bruises, dirt, filth and rain. So many glitches. I have to say after all of the probably 200 hours of doing this, we now have our most beautiful deck. We did the torching and we've sealed it and I re did the gardens. Wow. So much work. So I will ask, if you have a project in life, that seems like it never is going to end, I promise it will end some time, and it will be worth it. Our deck is worth it! Life is like that sometimes. I hope you love whatever you're working on as much as we love our deck and I do hope it doesn't take quite as much time though. Thanks, everyone. I am going to go and enjoy my beautiful deck! Let me know what you're working on! If you would like to watch the progress
click here for the first Blog! PS We will be officially switching our Vlog Day to Tuesdays... So everyone can watch Yvonne's WinWinWomen Show on Thursdays! To learn more about our Get Ready for Grief online program click here Purchase your copy of Love Your Life to Death, or audiobook here. Click here to see Yvonne's TEDx Talk #GetReadyForGrief #IJustShowedUp and don't forget... Watch Yvonne's new Television Show Thursday at 2pm EST on ROKU, Amazon FIRE and APPLE TV or HERE!
Hi everyone, Geordie here! We were hoping to give an update on our deck project... but as Yvonne shared last week, things usually take longer than planned. This is the case with our deck too. But do not worry, it is coming along beautifully! We have made great progress and are hoping to share more next time. Instead, I wanted to play this great video. A Valuable Lesson for a Happier Life. We can all use little reminders from time to time. For me, this was just what I need to hear this week. I hope you enjoy it too! Feel free to leave a comment below. When Yvonne is finished sanding for the day, she will love to read them! PS At the end of the video, they are sharing a drink with a friend... of course that drink can be coffee, tea, juice or a non-alcoholic beer too! To learn more about our
Get Ready for Grief online program click here Purchase your copy of Love Your Life to Death, or audiobook here. Click here to see Yvonne's TEDx Talk #GetReadyForGrief #IJustShowedUp and don't forget... Watch Yvonne's new Television Show Thursday at 2pm EST on ROKU, Amazon FIRE and APPLE TV or HERE!
Hi everyone, Yvonne Heath here from Love Your Life to Death. I am having so much fun with my husband on this journey. We are trying to power wash, sand and scrub off this old peeling paint and stain off our gigantic deck. And wow, it is really fun. (NOT!!) There's been glitches and... Feel free to watch the video above and leave us some tips!! We need all the help we can get! To learn more about our
Get Ready for Grief online program click here Purchase your copy of Love Your Life to Death, or audiobook here. Click here to see Yvonne's TEDx Talk #GetReadyForGrief #IJustShowedUp and don't forget... Watch Yvonne's new Television Show Thursday at 2pm EST on ROKU, Amazon FIRE and APPLE TV or HERE!
Hi everyone, Yvonne here with Love Your Life to Death. I am all "dolled up" because we have just returned from a beautiful ceremony, where Paramedics from Muskoka, Simcoe and Rama Paramedic Services received their Exemplary Service Awards. This is a National award for service over 20 years. My lovely Geordie received his beautiful metal for 20 years service, which I actually think he's in year 25 (because of COVID). When I think of this, and how extraordinary this is, working day in and day out, people literally saving lives. Our first responders are Paramedics and I am just in awe and just so extremely proud. I believe that we need to celebrate each other more overall. So today is a special day. I invite you to congratulate the Paramedics in the comment section and in person if you know one. Let's celebrate one another for everything that we do each and every day to make this world a better place. So today Geordie, congratulations, I celebrate you. I'm so proud of you and all of the other recipients and grateful for everyone during this challenging time, especially in the last 20 months of COVID-19, for keeping our communities safe and helping people at their most vulnerable, challenging and hardest moments of their lives. I'm so proud right now. Let's celebrate one another, more and more every day. The little things the big things. Let's just celebrate along the way so that we can just keep lifting each other up. Thanks everyone! To learn more about our Get Ready for Grief online program click here Purchase your copy of Love Your Life to Death, or audiobook here. Click here to see Yvonne's TEDx Talk #GetReadyForGrief #IJustShowedUp and don't forget... Watch Yvonne's new Television Show Thursday at 2pm EST on ROKU, Amazon FIRE and APPLE TV or HERE! A movement designed for patients and families to transform the illness experience. Hi everyone, Yvonne Heath here from Love Your Life to Death. In just over a few weeks, I have been "binge listened" to four seasons of a new podcast called The Waiting Room Revolution and connected with the founders, Dr. Sammy Winemaker and Dr. Hsien Seow. I urge you to listen and learn...immediately if not sooner! Not only do they share their incredible experience and expertise, they interview professionals, patients, caregivers and other extraordinary people to help create change. It can change your life as you navigate the healthcare system, look for guidance, support others etc. This. Is. For. Everyone. I have said this before and I will say it again... The best time to learn this is when we are young and healthy. The next best time in NOW! "Thank you, Sammy. Thank you Hsien. You are make a difference!" Click here to learn more: https://www.waitingroomrevolution.com/ To learn more about our Get Ready for Grief online program click here Purchase your copy of Love Your Life to Death, or audiobook here. Click here to see Yvonne's TEDx Talk #GetReadyForGrief #IJustShowedUp and don't forget...
Hi everyone, Yvonne Heath here back in the LYLTD studio after a whirlwind trip to Ottawa. Wow, it was amazing, Compassionate Ottawa held an event, and they had the incredible Dr. Allan Kellehear as their guest speaker, speaking about compassionate communities and compassionate cities. It is, in my opinion, the movement to create social change, where we learn how to just show up for one another in life, grief, illness, at end of life, in whatever we may be facing. It is everyone's responsibility to care for each other during times of crisis and loss, and not simply the task of health care professionals. The wonderful thing is that we can make a difference in illness in grief, we don't always need professionals, they are part of the journey . Please visit the Pallium Canada website and you will see that they have graphs and information that will help you to truly understand that in illness in the dying process, our health care professionals will be a part of our journey less than 20%. Dr. Kellehear has another quote that I just have to share. He states: When we are dying, or grieving 95% of our time will be spent with family, friends, colleagues, neighbors, including our pets and online communities. So in doing the math... it feels like an aha moment, as we realize that those who are dying, are spending only about 5% of their time in front of health care professionals. What are we doing with that 95%? We need to increase community's capacity to just show up throughout life, grief, illness and end of life. Thank you Compassionate Ottawa with all my heart for hosting this incredible event! The honorable Sharon Carstairs also shared her words of wisdom, and be an advocate for palliative care and help us to truly understand that is also our community's responsibility. And my dear friend, Bonnie Tompkins, thank you for Just Showing Up and reconnecting. It was great to see you in person and to introduce us to Allan... I now say Alan, because he's my new best friend!! If you wanted to learn more, and I invite you to go to pallium.ca to learn about compassionate communities because we can do this differently. Together. ![]() To learn more about our
Get Ready for Grief online program click here Purchase your copy of Love Your Life to Death, or audiobook here. Click here to see Yvonne's TEDx Talk #GetReadyForGrief #IJustShowedUp Hi everyone, Yvonne Heath here with Love Your Life to Death.
As we continue to navigate uncertain times and changing rules, I wanted to take a moment and let you know how excited I was to have just presented in Bracebridge. This was my first in-person community keynote event since 2020! I was nervous and a bit emotional, but the audience was amazing and the discussion afterward was heartfelt and wonderful. Earlier in the week, I had a wonderful opportunity to have a conversation with Jennifer George on her podcast, "Healthcare Provider Happy Hour." It feels so great to be "back in the saddle" so I wanted to share it with you. I have included a link below. As we continue to move forward in life, let's keep supporting one another and Just Showing Up for each other. - No. Matter. What. - Link to Podcast To learn more about our Get Ready for Grief online program click here Purchase your copy of Love Your Life to Death, or audiobook here. Click here to see Yvonne's TEDx Talk #GetReadyForGrief #IJustShowedUp
Hi everyone, Yvonne Heath here
from Love Your Life to Death along with Miss Sadie, our dog . In late March I made a vlog of our back yard. It was spring and everything was brown and very snowy. Icy. This is roughly eight weeks later; I am here talking about the miracles. The miracles of the seasons. I just have to share how incredible everything is now. Look at these flowers that just magically appear. Magically appear. The leaves, the trees are so beautiful and full. When I made the previous recording, it was all just cold and damp. Here we are, all of this has just appeared like MAGIC The hose is out so I can water all the beautiful flowers and shrubs that I've planted. This reminds me that everything in life is temporary and change is the only constant. You never know what awaits on the other side of dark times, challenging times and grief. After the winter, and then in the spring it was just barren and icy. Now, I see what I called in, all of these miracles of new living things. Shrubs that I planted and now everything is just so wonderful. I am thoroughly enjoying this. I invite you to plant a host of plants or anything that will make you smile. Here, I simply must share with you this beautiful lilac tree. Do you see this tree here? This brings me so much joy. Everywhere I look in my town in our town I see beautiful flowering bushes everywhere. I invite you to take notice. Take the time to see, take time to plant something. See all the beauty around you and let this be an amazing reminder: That change is the only constant and after dark times to hard times, beauty could just be right around the corner. Take care everyone. Bye for now. To learn more about our Get Ready for Grief online program click here Purchase your copy of Love Your Life to Death, or audiobook here. Click here to see Yvonne's TEDx Talk #GetReadyForGrief #IJustShowedUp
Hi everyone, Yvonne Heath here with Love Your Life to Death.
This week in Canada is Nurses Week. And actually, May 12 is International Nurses Day, celebrating the birthday of Florence Nightingale. She was one of the pioneers of nursing as we know it today. She was incredible. When I reflect back on my 27 year nursing career, I am just in absolute awe of all the amazing, incredible nurses I have met, I had the privilege of working with and that I learned from. So many wonderful, wonderful people. In the last two years, I often think about all the nurses working through this pandemic (and of course, all healthcare professionals) but especially the nurses who are near and dear to my heart having been my career for more than half my life. So, today I want to celebrate every nurse, I want to thank you for everything that you have done and continue to do. I encourage you to take good care of yourself, to Just Show Up for yourself always. I would love, as a small token of my appreciation, to send you a little gift. If you go to our website, HERE and just send us a message saying yes, I'd love an #IJustShowedUp bracelet to remind you to keep just Showing Up for yourself. Why? Because you have value, you matter and you are making a difference. Today I'm wearing my Muskoka nurses rock shirt (although nurses rock everywhere.) Thank you, thank you, thank you for all that you do. Celebrate you today and everyday
Hi everybody Yvonne Heath here from Love Your Life to Death.
I am taking a little break outside, as I always encourage people to do. Five minutes of fresh air, listening to the birds, watching the squirrels and the odd turkey running by. Today, I'm sharing something very special with you. My friend Pete Bombaci is an amazing human who started the GenWell Project that is focused on generating wellness. They are addressing social isolation and loneliness in a world of over 7 billion people. There are so many in silos of silence and isolation. We may not be even aware that maybe it's our neighbour next door. So twice a year, The GenWell Project encourage us to have a GenWell Weekend. This year, 2022, it falls on May 6 through 8th, which is coming up soon. They encourage everyone to have a face to face, social human interaction. Not digital, especially after two years of a pandemic. (Yes, I know it isn't completely over.) Yet we can still gather even if it is with two people having tea with a neighbour who is lonely. Pete and I are so on the same page, we want you to take it even further by just showing up for even more than one person or more than one time. Better yet, host some sort of social gathering and make it a priority. It is happening on Mother's Day weekend here in Canada and the United States. Perhaps there are mothers who are lonely, perhaps they cannot be with their children, or perhaps their children have died. Maybe they could just want to celebrate. So, let's get everyone together. Please click below on the video link, where it explains a little more about the GenWell Project. Then please go to the website, you will find that link below, too. Think about what you might be able to do to increase your social connection and reach out to somebody who perhaps could really use a little company. And of course, then I encourage you to just keep thinking of doing something wonderful to just show up for just one more on a regular basis. We know that social connection makes a huge difference for people. I'm excited on that weekend, I am going to invite my new neighbours to come over to our backyard and have a potluck with appetizers, drinks, music, and the fun of getting to know one another. I'd love to know what you are going to do. Thank you, Pete, for all that you do with the GetWell Project. It is incredible. Please post what you are planning to do or what you did, I so look forward to reading more about what everyone planned on their special weekend. Thanks everyone. Bye for now. Link to video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1V2PH3OjC_c Link to GenWell Project Website: https://genwellproject.org/ To learn more about our Get Ready for Grief online program click here Purchase your copy of Love Your Life to Death, or audiobook here. Click here to see Yvonne's TEDx Talk #GetReadyForGrief #IJustShowedUp
Hi everyone, Yvonne Heath here from Love Your Life to Death.
I am so full of gratitude! I am so grateful for all of those who have followed our weekly vlog since May 2016. 2016! It will be six years, next month! Incredible how so many of you reach out to me to comment and say thank you for the information I've shared. It truly has meant the world to me, and continues to mean the world to me. As we grow and evolve, as we navigate this journey we call life together, Love Your Life to Death is now focusing on a few different projects: our flagship program is Get Ready For Grief and we're going to start to do new webinars. And of course, I have my wonderful weekly show at Win Win Women called Navigating Grief with Heart and Humour Here, I would love for you to join me every week. It's 30 minutes of content and then following we get to have a real-time conversation for 30 minutes. It’s live on Wednesdays at 10am EST. Now, gentlemen, you are welcome to go into the archives and watch the shows because navigating grief with heart and humor applies to everyone. Therefore, in thinking over all the projects we are doing, I've decided post my vlogs every other week instead of every week. I can continue to connect with you while still focusing on my shows and everything else I will be doing. With this in mind, I would love to hear what you would like me to focus on and also let me know which vlogs have meant a lot to you. Especially, those which were very helpful, because I want to continue to learn as I share information. Evolve and grow. We are all in this together as we prepare for and navigate grief transitions and end- of -life. Let’s not forget the heart and humor. So... thank you, thank you, thank you for Just Showing Up! Every time you share a comment, it is the fuel that keeps me going. As I said, we can support one another, we can learn together, and we can do this differently. We can do better, can't we by normalizing conversations and addressing the elephant in the room? Take good care. Reach out anytime. You know that I will always just show up for you. Thanks, and bye for now. To learn more about our Get Ready for Grief online program click here Purchase your copy of Love Your Life to Death, or audiobook here. Click here to see Yvonne's TEDx Talk #GetReadyForGrief #IJustShowedUp
Hi everyone, Yvonne Heath here from Love Your Life to Death. I just wanted to share that a couple of weeks ago I found myself very overwhelmed and overstimulated. There's a lot going on in the world, and a lot going on in social media. I decided to take a social media break… like a weeklong vacation from social media! And I have to say, at first, I felt this weird sense of panic, FOMO (fear of missing out) or I didn't want to miss saying "happy birthday"to someone because it's meaningful. I didn't want to miss someone who was struggling and maybe needed me to reach out. I let that go. I took that break. I took a whole week off away from any social media. And I have to say that it was incredibly rejuvenating for my brain. It's something that I am going to continue to do maybe one day, during the week, on the weekends, whatever, to just not engage in social media, as wonderful a platform as it is. We all know we can go down the “rabbit hole” and spend so much time and get lost in the negativity-- which I do my very best to avoid. But it really is, it is good for our brains. We are overstimulated. 24/7. I just wanted to share that with you and I wanted to encourage you to think, "Hmm, where could I take breaks from social media?" We all can,we can survive without it. It has become a part of our lives ,it's a wonderful part in many ways. I still believe we should take breaks every week, every day, and putting your phone away before bed. Just have a quick look, be more intentional, and pay more attention about how much time you spend on social media. Give yourself a break. Live in the now. Just be present physically,it's just something to think about. I'm really glad I did it. I'm going to be incorporating that into my life even more. Thanks for listening. I'd love to hear from anyone about their social media breaks. Take care bye for now. Yvonne Heath is an Author, Speaker and Changemaker. She is the founder of Love Your Life to Death and the #IJustShowedUp movement. To learn more about Yvonne or watch Yvonne's TEDx Talk please visit: www.loveyourlifetodeath.com TEDx: http://bit.ly/Yvonne_Heath_Tedx_Talk www.getreadyforgrief.com #ijustshowedup #getreadyforgrief #loveyourlifetodeath
Hi everyone, Yvonne Heath here from Love Your Life to Death.
Sadie and I are just exploring our backyard. I have to tell you, if you've seen my vlogs for years, you know that spring is my absolute favorite, favorite time of year. I know many people look and they say, oh my goodness, look at the dirty snow and the brown. You know, we get to choose what we focus on. I come out here, and I see, aww look, the ice is melting! I hear more and more birds, and can hear water dripping and running. And then as you explore, there's still lots of snow, lots of dirt, but then suddenly, we will come into the garden, and there will be little green sprigs and flowers that will surprise us because we don't even remember what's planted here. So, I encourage you, as you look around and say, oh, there's some more grass. That's so exciting. Please, please, please enjoy the miracles of spring. I'm just I'm out here with just a sweater,we're putting away the snowblower and we're going to be pulling out the rakes. It's just such an incredible time of year. We are so fortunate to have these seasons. Wherever you are, whatever season it is, just enjoy the miracles all around you. Listen for them. Watch for them. Spend time just pay attention. I see all of these dead flowers poking through the snow and I know they're going to be gorgeous Black-Eyed Susans soon. Enjoy the miracle. I'm going to do another video like this of our backyard when it's all beautifully full of color. And until then I'm going to enjoy every melt, every new bird, every little sprig poking through the ground and the fact that yay, our deck is clear because we shoveled it. So enjoy everyone! Enjoy the miracle of every season and have a most fantastic and happy, happy Spring. Bye for now! To learn more about our Get Ready for Grief online program click here Purchase your copy of Love Your Life to Death, or audiobook here. Click here to see Yvonne's TEDx Talk #GetReadyForGrief #IJustShowedUp
Practicing self-care and self-love. In these difficult times,
maintaining our habits can feel indulgent, all but impossible, but showing up for yourself is that much more important. Try to eat healthy, get some sleep, and find a little joy in the circumstances. Remember, taking care of yourself isn’t selfish. These short animations are filled with advice to help you process difficult emotions and support mental health through these challenging times. To learn more about this video and channel, please click here: To learn more about our Get Ready for Grief online program click here Purchase your copy of Love Your Life to Death, or audiobook here. Click here to see Yvonne's TEDx Talk #GetReadyForGrief #IJustShowedUp
Hi everyone, Yvonne here Love Your Life to Death.
I just am taking a moment to reflect. March 8 is International Women's Day. And it is always a time for me to pause and think about my life, and how incredibly grateful I am to live in Canada and to be able to pursue any goals and dreams that I want. To raise my family. Drive a car, and all the things that we sometimes take for granted. I really am truly grateful, and it is a good reminder. I also think of how far we've come with women globally, with more rights and more freedom. And yet, many of our global sisters are still still suppressed, not able to be heard. We still have a long way to go. And with that in mind, I remind every single woman, 3.9 billion women around the world, regardless of your age, race, culture, sexual orientation, ability, disability, location, economic situation, whatever it may be, you have value, you matter, and your voice deserves to be heard. It is your birthright to feel safety, love, joy, and even happiness. Know that there are many women around the world that are loving you and celebrating you today. You are not alone. So this is one of the greatest reasons that I am so proud to be a part of the global movement Win Win Women with a goal to reach every woman on the planet to support them in any way we can. I will share the website. All women can go to this website to hear messages of empowerment from other women around the world. So let's celebrate one another. Together. Every single woman on this planet. We can make a difference. And we are in this together. Love you all. Thanks. Bye for now.. To learn more about our Get Ready for Grief online program click here Purchase your copy of Love Your Life to Death, or audiobook here. Click here to see Yvonne's TEDx Talk #GetReadyForGrief #IJustShowedUp
Hi everyone, Yvonne Heath here with Love Your Life to Death. Once again, I am out in the forest because there is a lot swirling around in the world; pandemics, wars and so many other hard things. I was trying so hard to fill my own heart and soul and more glitches arrived. We crossed our T’s and it still didn’t work, dotted our I’s and it didn’t work. I just needed to take a grief break and a brain break. I always know where to go. I gotta go to the forest. Sadie is running around, Geordie is my camera guy, the trees, the birds and the snow. I came out to have fun, give myself a break, send love to the world and do what I can do. We always have a choice in what to focus on. Right now I am going to lean against this amazing tree and then go and make some snow angels. I am sending you all love. Go and do something to fill your heart and soul and make it fun. To learn more about our Get Ready for Grief online program click here Purchase your copy of Love Your Life to Death, or audiobook here. Click here to see Yvonne's TEDx Talk #GetReadyForGrief #IJustShowedUp
Hi everyone, Yvonne Heath here with Love Your Life to Death.
Many of you have been through or experienced quarantine. Now its our turn. Covid-19 has Just Showed Up in the Heath household. Booo. We have avoided it for two years, I feel like most of us will get it (the elephant in the room) so we are doing our thing. We are quarantining. At first I had a little pitty party, I didn’t want to do this, we have things to do and places to go. I have acknowledged and allowed all my feelings and disappointment for the things we can’t do. So what can we do? I have made a list: Avoid our daughter Jadyn! She has been banished to the basement and in her room. The rest of us are upstairs. We facetime, we leave snacks at the door and do what we have to do. The rest of us are being preventative, taking vitamins, antioxidants and fluids. What else can we do? We can dress in colourful shirts, listen to music, dance around and do some more cleaning (because I LOVE that so much…) We can also catch up on other things because we cannot leave the house or do grocery shopping or other chores. We can play games, we can outside in the back yard and get some fresh air, and if we start to feel unwell, we do what we need to do for us- rest, increase our fluids, treat ourselves symptomatically if need be. I would love to hear your suggestions from anyone that has been in quarantine… what did you do to keep your spirits up? Many of us have been through this. We are all in this together. We will make the best of it. Feel free to send your love and good juju! We will continue to Just Show Up for ourselves and each other. To learn more about our Get Ready for Grief online program click here Purchase your copy of Love Your Life to Death, or audiobook here. Click here to see Yvonne's TEDx Talk #GetReadyForGrief #IJustShowedUp |
Yvonne Heath is Canada's Proactive Living Consultant. She is a Speaker, Television Host, Award Winning Author Guest Blogs
Best Selling Author & Coach Ann McIndoo's Blog Yvonne's Guest Blog Life and Death Matters Archives
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